Sunday, January 13, 2013

Space vs. Form

Architecture isn't all about the beauty or why it was built. It also consist of its shape and form. As in the air you can move through and its boundaries that is confined by walls, floors, and ceilings. Space has two types, Static space and Dynamic space. Static space is when the surroundings has the atmosphere of lacking of movement, when there is need for movement. Just like an office with cubicle, how t seems trapped confined lacking that freedom. While on the other hand, dynamic space is when there is room to spare to move through out, as in free to move about. Take the Oracle buildings in Redwood Shores in California for examples. Their office walls are made of glass and metal reinforcements, provide lots of lighting and the feeling of freedom to the worker

The second part of the Architecture is the form. There are three forms, sculptural, structural, and superficial. Structural is when you can see the buildings form, like rods and the X's on the George Pompidou Center on the outside. Sculptural is when a building has a shape of something, or has the appearance of a figure. The Sydney Opera House in Australia is a great example, it's supposed to look like a sailboat. Thirdly, superficial is when the building is mainly made up of plain surfaces, like flat walls, roofs, and floors. The "Portuguese House" idea is a great example. The lovely thing about forms is that it is able to mix and still look great. Which only makes this part of Architecture fascinating

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